# CLI Options

# top-level commands
      Runs a one-time audit.
      Authenticate polaris with Fairwinds Insights
      Runs the webserver for Polaris dashboard.
      Fix Infrastructure as code files.
      Prints help, if you give it a command then it will print help for that command. Same as -h
      Prints the version of Polaris
      Runs the webhook webserver.

# global flags
-c, --config string                    Location of Polaris configuration file.
-x, --context string                   Set the kube context.
    --disallow-exemptions              Disallow any exemptions from configuration file.
    --disallow-config-exemptions       Disallow exemptions set within the configuration file.
    --disallow-annotation-exemptions   Disallow any exemption defined as a controller annotation.
    --kubeconfig string                Paths to a kubeconfig. Only required if out-of-cluster.
    --insights-host string             Fairwinds Insights host URL. (default "https://insights.fairwinds.com")
    --log-level string                 Logrus log level. (default "info")

# dashboard flags
    --audit-path string          If specified, audits one or more YAML files instead of a cluster.
    --base-path string           Path on which the dashboard is served. (default "/")
    --display-name string        An optional identifier for the audit.
-h, --help                       help for dashboard
    --listening-address string   Listening Address for the dashboard webserver.
    --load-audit-file string     Runs the dashboard with data saved from a past audit.
-p, --port int                   Port for the dashboard webserver. (default 8080)

# audit flags
    --audit-path string               If specified, audits one or more YAML files instead of a cluster.
    --checks strings                  Optional flag to specify specific checks to check
    --cluster-name string             Set --cluster-name to a descriptive name for the cluster you're auditing
    --color                           Whether to use color in pretty format. (default true)
    --display-name string             An optional identifier for the audit.
-f, --format string                   Output format for results - json, yaml, pretty, or score. (default "json")
    --helm-chart string               Will fill out Helm template
    --helm-values string              Optional flag to add helm values
    --helm-skip-tests bool            Corresponds to --skip-tests of helm template
-h, --help                            help for audit
    --namespace string                Namespace to audit. Only applies to in-cluster audits
    --only-show-failed-tests          If specified, audit output will only show failed tests.
    --output-file string              Destination file for audit results.
    --output-url string               Destination URL to send audit results.
    --quiet                           Suppress the 'upload to Insights' prompt.
    --resource string                 Audit a specific resource, in the format namespace/kind/version/name, e.g. nginx-ingress/Deployment.apps/v1/default-backend.
    --set-exit-code-below-score int   Set an exit code of 4 when the score is below this threshold (1-100).
    --set-exit-code-on-danger         Set an exit code of 3 when the audit contains danger-level issues.
    --severity string                 Severity level used to filter results. Behaves like log levels. 'danger' is the least verbose (warning, danger)
    --skip-ssl-validation             Skip https certificate verification
    --upload-insights                 Upload scan results to Fairwinds Insights

# fix flags
    --checks strings      Optional flag to specify specific checks to fix eg. checks=hostIPCSet,hostPIDSet and checks=all applies fix to all defined checks mutations
    --files-path string   mutate and fix one or more YAML files in a specified folder
-h, --help                help for fix
    --template            set to true when modifyng a YAML template, like a Helm chart (experimental)

# webhook flags
    --disable-webhook-config-installer   disable the installer in the webhook server, so it won't install webhook configuration resources during bootstrapping.
-h, --help                               help for webhook
-p, --port int                           Port for the dashboard webserver. (default 9876)

# auth sub-commands
  login       Authenticate polaris with Fairwinds Insights.
  logout      Log out of a Fairwinds Insights.
  status      View authentication status.
  token       Print the auth token gh is configured to use.

# Suppressing 'upload to Insights' output

When running the polaris audit subcommand, you can suppress the following output using the --quiet flag:

🚀 Upload your Polaris findings to Fairwinds Insights to see remediation advice, add teammates, integrate with Slack or Jira, and more: